
Advertise In Philadelphia: In-Store Shopping Exceeds Pre-COVID Level

Oct 20, 2021 1:18:03 PM / by Larry Julius

Delaware Valley consumers are on track to spend more than $75.9 billion at retail this year, based on projections by the National Retail Federation (NRF). Spending is expected to be 13.5% higher than last year.  

Some Philadelphia small business owners, though, are wondering if the spread of the Delta Variant may slow spending if consumers sense pressure on their own financial security. Shoppers, however, don't see it that way.

New research from Nielsen indicates that 82% of consumers believe their household finances will either remain the same or improve during the upcoming months.

The Nielsen study has another finding that Philadelphia business owners will find promising. Consumers are more likely to shop locally than they did before the onset of the pandemic, although in different ways.

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Topics Best Way To Advertise, roi, return on investment, retail, consumer spending, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, return on advertising investment, advertising roi, shopping

Who Listens To Podcasts in Philadelphia?

Oct 11, 2021 7:15:00 AM / by Larry Julius

According to Nielsen, 1,224,829 Delaware Valley consumers listened to or downloaded a podcast during the past 30 days. This is 28.9% of the adult population.

A podcast is a downloadable digital audio file available to listeners on an internet-connected device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. These files are typically part of series focusing on a particular theme such as true crime, professional football, politics, or pop culture.

Philadelphia consumers can listen to their favorite podcasts whenever they choose using apps like Spotify, Pandora, Google, and Stitcher. The most used podcasting app, though, is Apple Podcasts.

Research from indicates that Philadelphia consumers can access more than 2,000,000 podcast series comprising over 48,000,000 unique episodes. According to data compiled by Edison research, the top 10 podcasts during the second quarter of 2021 were:

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Best Way To Reach Philadelphia Halloween Shoppers

Sep 23, 2021 2:25:55 PM / by Larry Julius

Delaware Valley business owners who sell goods and services related to Halloween can expect far more treat than trick this year.

Based on estimates from The National Retail Federation (NRF), Philadelphia area consumers are expected to spend a record $168,897,535 on Halloween. This would be 19.3% more than was handed out in 2020.

The NRF estimates that 65% of consumers intend to celebrate Halloween or participate in Halloween activities this year, up from 58% in 2020 and comparable with 68% in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The top ways consumers are planning to celebrate include handing out candy (66%), decorating their home or yard (52%), dressing in costumes (46%), carving a pumpkin (44%), and hosting or attending a party (25%).

Philadelphia small business owners looking to scare up a share of this Halloween cash will need to advertise to drive local consumers to their stores and websites. But, to make a difference, advertising needs to begin right away.

"This year consumers are shopping for Halloween items earlier than ever," says the NRF, "with 45% planning to shop in September or earlier and another 39% during the first two weeks of October."

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Topics roi, return on investment, households with children, retail, halloween, best time to advertise, radio advertising, pet owners, pet owner, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, return on advertising investment, children

How To Fill Open Jobs In Philadelphia

Sep 10, 2021 3:44:19 PM / by Larry Julius

According to the US Census Bureau, there are 237,655 businesses in the Philadelphia area. Some of these companies are small. Some are large. Some sell machine parts. Some sell software. Some provide legal services. Some provide eyecare.

Regardless of the size of the business or what it sells, all of these local companies have one thing in common: they are struggling to fill open jobs with qualified candidates. This is true in Philadelphia as well as Cherry Hill, Bucks County, King of Prussia, Camden, and every point in between.

Right now, across the country, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 10.9 million open jobs. This is an all-time record.

To put this mammoth number of open jobs in perspective, the Federal Reserve says there are now five job openings per every four unemployed people.

Attempting to recruit Philadelphia workers from the ranks of the unemployed has proven fruitless for local companies. This is because many people who lost their jobs during the pandemic have no intention of returning to the workforce anytime soon.

There are several reasons so many Philadelphia workers are not coming back.

First, older workers have opted to retire earlier than expected. Second, childcare issues are making it necessary for some parents to stay home. Third, other workers cite health safety issues for the reason why they chose not to work. Finally, some of the unemployed are choosing to live off the savings they amassed during the pandemic.

So rather than focusing recruitment efforts among former employees and the ranks of the unemployed, local business owners need to target the 2.1 million passive job seekers in Philadelphia.

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Topics Recruitment Advertising, Blue-Collar Workers, Best Way To Advertise, radio advertising, employment advertising, white collar workers, best way to advertise in philadelphia, indeed, zip recruiter

B2B Advertising: Why Job Sites Depend On On Philadelphia Radio

Sep 2, 2021 12:31:58 PM / by Larry Julius

If you were one of the 3.2 million adults who tuned in to Philadelphia radio last week, then chances are excellent that you heard advertising for ZipRecruiter.  That's because the company purchased 1,540 advertisements to air on local stations during the month of August, according to Media Monitors.

ZipRecruiter is an online recruitment site that helps companies of every size advertise open jobs. Overall, more than 2.8 million companies have posted an opening on

It is no wonder that ZipRecruiter and its competitors like Indeed have been making significant advertising investments on Philadelphia radio. Finding qualified workers is one of the toughest challenges facing local business owners. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in the U.S. has reached a record high 10.1-million jobs with just not enough candidates to fill them.

If you've heard these commercials on Philadelphia radio, then you know that ZipRecruiter is not advertising to attract job seekers to its website.  Rather, the company's goal is to convince local business owners to buy help wanted ads from them.

So, why has ZipRecruiter chosen Philadelphia radio as a business-to-business (B2B) advertising resource?  The first reason is revealed in the first line of their commercial.

"According to research," says the announcer, "82% of people remember radio ads."

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Recruitment Advertising, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, business-to-business, b2b, small business marketing, best way to advertise in philadelphia, advertising options, indeed, zip recruiter

Who Listens To Philadelphia Radio Stations Online?

Aug 27, 2021 1:32:32 PM / by Larry Julius

When Philadelphia's first radio station, WGL, began broadcasting on February 8, 1922, the station needed a tall antenna and lots of buried copper cable to transmit its signal.  Radio receivers at the time were mostly homemade and involved a piece of crystalline mineral and a wire coil.

Over many decades in Philadelphia, both the broadcasting and receiving equipment improved. In the mid-1920s this meant store-bought radios. In the 1930s this meant car radios. In the 1960s this meant transistor radios. In the 1970s this meant boom boxes. And, in the 1980s this meant Walkmen. But, despite these improvements, the fundamental technology of big towers sending a signal through the air to a radio receiver remained the same.

In 1994, there was a new way for Philadelphia consumers to listen to the radio. That was the year local stations across the country began streaming their signals over the internet and listeners could use their computers (later their smartphones and smart speakers) as receiving devices. No big antennas, no wires, and no actual radio needed.

In 2021, according to Nielsen, Philadelphia radio reaches more local consumers than any other advertising media option.

Neilsen finds, too, that 34.5% of all consumers who listen to a Philadelphia radio station over-the-air will, at some point during the month, also connect to a local station via the internet. 

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Topics Best Way To Advertise, Streaming Audio, Online Advertising, radio advertising, smart speakers, best way to advertise in philadelphia, advertising options, internet, streaming media

Best Way To Advertise In Philadelphia With A Limited Budget

Aug 10, 2021 10:24:15 AM / by Larry Julius

To maximize success, every Delaware Valley business owner needs to advertise.

"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”

The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”

According to the US Census Bureau, there are 230,328 small businesses in the Philadelphia area. This geography includes Philadelphia, Camden, Wilmington, and every point in between.  Most of these diminutive companies have limited dollars to invest in advertising.  

Advertising successfully in Philadelphia is achievable, though, with a small budget if the available funds are invested wisely.  Oftentimes, this means selecting one medium rather than spreading money over several.

So which medium makes the most sense for small business owners with limited budgets? By most key advertising metrics, advertising on Philadelphia radio is the best option.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Effective Radio Commercials, roi, return on investment, retail, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, reach, reach and frequency, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, small business marketing, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, advertising reach, return on advertising investment, duplication

Back To School Shopping: Philadelphia Businesses Expect Record Sales

Jul 29, 2021 3:11:24 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 780,500 school-aged children in the Delaware Valley.  Based on forecasts from the National Retail Federation (NRF), local parents are expected to spend a record $617.9 million to prepare these kids to return to the classroom this fall. 

Overall, the NRF expects back-to-school shoppers to spend almost 10% more in 2021 than they did last year.

“The pandemic forced parents and their school-aged children to quickly adapt to virtual learning, and they did it with an incredible amount of resolve and flexibility,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “We enter the new school year with plans to return to the classroom and retailers are prepared to help Americans find and purchase whatever they need to make this transition as seamless as possible.”

According to the NRF, more than 51% of parents have already started buying for their K-12 students.  But, for Philadelphia business owners there is still time to benefit.

The NRF reports that nearly 76% of K-12 shoppers are still waiting on lists of school supplies needed. On average, consumers have only completed 18% of the shopping.

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Topics households with children, retail, best time to advertise, radio advertising, parents, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, back-to-school, millennial parents, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, children

Advertising In Philadelphia: Five Amazing Facts About Local Radio

Jul 23, 2021 10:48:48 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising is crucial to the success of Delaware Valley business owners. According to Investopedia, "lack of adequate marketing and publicity are among the issues that drag down small business".

According to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks advertising trends across the country, Philadelphia business owners are expected to spend $3.6 billion to advertise the goods and services they sell. This represents a 7.0% increase versus last year.

The majority of these dollars are being spent by Philadelphia business owners to capture a significant share of the $72.1 billion dollars local consumers will be spending this year. These estimates are based on a revised forecast from the National Retail Federation (NRF).

Of course, there is an over-abundance of ways a local business owner can advertise. Perhaps the best way to generate sales from local consumers is with Philadelphia radio. Here are the top five reasons why...

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Radio Advertising Works, Millennials, Effective Advertising., Effective Radio Commercials, roi, return on investment, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, reach, reach and frequency, small business marketing, millennial parents, radio commercials, time spent listening, best way to advertise in philadelphia, advertising reach

How Often Are Philadelphia Consumers Online?

Jul 15, 2021 4:12:39 PM / by Larry Julius

More than 95% of Philadelphia adults have access to the internet.  Ubiquitous technology such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and connected TVs allow Delaware Valley consumers to go online whenever they choose, which, for some adults, is always.

The Pew Research Center, a public opinion research company, reports that one-in-three consumers say they are online constantly. A 50% increase from 2015.  In total, 85% of consumers say they connect at least one time every day.

So, how are Philadelphia area consumers spending all this time connected to the internet?

According to Nielsen, streaming audio and video content, social networking, checking the weather, and banking are the top online activities for Philadelphia consumers each month.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Streaming Audio, social media advertising, Online Advertising, small business owner, small business, borrell associates, social media, small business marketing, streaming video, SVOD, online shopping, avod, best way to advertise in philadelphia, streaming media

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