
Advertising In Philadelphia During A Time Of Inflation

Jan 27, 2022 9:41:25 AM / by Larry Julius

The current high rate of inflation is tempering how much Delaware Valley business owners can spend on advertising.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 230,00 small businesses in the Philadelphia area. There is one thing each of the owners of these companies has in common, whether they own a hardware store in Bucks County, a furniture store in Cherry Hill, or a restaurant in Bryn Mawr. They are all experiencing the negative consequences of inflation.

In a monthly survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB), inflation now ranks second as the single most important problem companies face. A year ago, inflation was barely an issue.

Inflation has not hampered the enthusiasm to spend among Philadelphia area consumers keeping retail sales hovering above pre-Covid levels. But, inflation is taking a dramatic toll on the amount of revenue business owners can keep.

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, small business owners see inflation-fueled price increases in almost every cost of operation, including inventory, utilities, rent, and wages.

Because of these rising operational costs, Philadelphia business owners are looking to cut expenses where they can, including advertising expenditures. But, because there is still robust consumer demand for goods and services, these companies need to make sure that the amount they do invest in advertising has the best return possible.

By almost any marketing metric, advertising on Philadelphia radio provides the greatest return-on-investment (ROI) of any medium available to local business owners.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, best time to advertise, small business owner, radio advertising, advertising on a budget, small business marketing, best way to advertise in philadelphia, advertising options, inflation

Best Way To Reach Philadelphia Halloween Shoppers

Sep 23, 2021 2:25:55 PM / by Larry Julius

Delaware Valley business owners who sell goods and services related to Halloween can expect far more treat than trick this year.

Based on estimates from The National Retail Federation (NRF), Philadelphia area consumers are expected to spend a record $168,897,535 on Halloween. This would be 19.3% more than was handed out in 2020.

The NRF estimates that 65% of consumers intend to celebrate Halloween or participate in Halloween activities this year, up from 58% in 2020 and comparable with 68% in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The top ways consumers are planning to celebrate include handing out candy (66%), decorating their home or yard (52%), dressing in costumes (46%), carving a pumpkin (44%), and hosting or attending a party (25%).

Philadelphia small business owners looking to scare up a share of this Halloween cash will need to advertise to drive local consumers to their stores and websites. But, to make a difference, advertising needs to begin right away.

"This year consumers are shopping for Halloween items earlier than ever," says the NRF, "with 45% planning to shop in September or earlier and another 39% during the first two weeks of October."

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Topics roi, return on investment, households with children, retail, halloween, best time to advertise, radio advertising, pet owners, pet owner, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, return on advertising investment, children

Back To School Shopping: Philadelphia Businesses Expect Record Sales

Jul 29, 2021 3:11:24 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 780,500 school-aged children in the Delaware Valley.  Based on forecasts from the National Retail Federation (NRF), local parents are expected to spend a record $617.9 million to prepare these kids to return to the classroom this fall. 

Overall, the NRF expects back-to-school shoppers to spend almost 10% more in 2021 than they did last year.

“The pandemic forced parents and their school-aged children to quickly adapt to virtual learning, and they did it with an incredible amount of resolve and flexibility,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “We enter the new school year with plans to return to the classroom and retailers are prepared to help Americans find and purchase whatever they need to make this transition as seamless as possible.”

According to the NRF, more than 51% of parents have already started buying for their K-12 students.  But, for Philadelphia business owners there is still time to benefit.

The NRF reports that nearly 76% of K-12 shoppers are still waiting on lists of school supplies needed. On average, consumers have only completed 18% of the shopping.

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Topics households with children, retail, best time to advertise, radio advertising, parents, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, back-to-school, millennial parents, best way to advertise in philadelphia, retail spending, children

Why Philadelphia Kitchen & Bath Remodelers Need To Advertise Now

May 19, 2021 8:29:51 AM / by Larry Julius

In 2021, according to Nielsen, 417,066 Philadelphia area homeowners are expected to spend $2.5 billion on kitchen and bathroom remodeling. This would be an increase of 16.8% increase over last year. Sales estimates are based on data from The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA).

Because of the ongoing pandemic, 2.9 million Delaware Valley homeowners are in the process of reassessing their living spaces.

According to the NKBA, homeowners cite the kitchen and bath areas as two times more important than other spaces within the home, and the kitchen particularly gained status throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with 70% of homeowners considering it extremely important compared to 64% before the crisis.

“After such a strong year for home remodeling in 2020, some wondered if we were approaching a home improvement spending ‘cliff.’ We’re pleased to say that’s not what the kitchen and bath market is expecting in 2021,” said Bill Darcy, NKBA CEO.

“Last year, homeowners started the work of improving their living spaces with DIY projects. And this year, with early distribution of the vaccine and other measures to reduce the public health impact of the virus, we expect to see continued renovations and more projects requiring our members.”

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Topics Home Improvement, best time to advertise, consumer spending, radio advertising, home remodeling, home values, homeowners, best way to advertise in philadelphia, contractors, construction

Who Listens To Philadelphia Radio?

Apr 23, 2021 7:32:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Every week, according to Nielsen, 88% of adult consumers tune in to a Philadelphia radio station. This is significantly more people than watch broadcast TV, local cable, or video streaming services. It's more than use social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.  And, it's more than read local newspapers.

Philadelphia radio is also the medium with the greatest reach among millennials, a generation that not only has embraced an abundance of online media options but also accounts for nearly a third of all local consumer spending.

This reach advantage is a crucial reason why local small business owners depend on Philadelphia radio to market their goods and services.

A study released this week by Edison Research and NPR discovered that their six distinct types of radio listeners. The study also examines how each group of listeners engages with both programming and advertising.  These distinctions are important for Philadelphia small business owners to understand.

The six listener categories as described in the study are:

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Radio Listening, Effective Advertising., Effective Radio Commercials, best time to advertise, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, reach, reach and frequency, small business marketing, share of ear, best way to advertise in philadelphia, advertising reach

Advertising In Philadelphia: OTT & CTV Viewing Soars

Sep 4, 2020 3:37:17 PM / by Larry Julius

Advertising on Philadelphia television and cable is becoming less attractive to local business owners as viewers rapidly defect to alternative video entertainment sources including, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon and Disney+.

Collectively these streaming services are referred to as Over-The-Top Television (OTT) and Connected-TV (CTV). Viewers can only access this OTT and CTV content via smartphone, tablets, computers, smart-TVs, Amazon Fire Sticks, and Roku Sticks, Nielsen reports that 92.1% of Delaware Valley adults own at least one these devices. Furthermore, they are using them.

According to Nielsen, OTT and CTV networks now reach 42.8% of all Philadelphia area consumers every week.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Advertise On Philadelphia Radio Stations, television advertising, best time to advertise, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, philadelphia television, pay-TV, cable television, television, advertise on radio, small business marketing, satellite television, cable tv, ott, ctv, streaming video

Advertising in Philadelphia: The Radio Century

Aug 20, 2020 7:02:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Philadelphia radio reaches more Delaware Valley adults every week than any other medium. During a typical seven-day period, according to Nielsen, 3.5 million local consumers tune-in to their favorite AM and FM stations. This is significantly more than those who watch broadcast television, subscribe to pay-TV, browse social media, read a newspaper, or stream music from Pandora and Spotify.

Radio's omnipresence in the life of Philadelphia consumers is remarkable considering today is the medium's 100th birthday.

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Topics Best Way To Advertise, Effective Radio Commercials, roi, return on investment, best time to advertise, radio advertising, reach, reach and frequency, advertise on radio, radio commercials, radio history

What Philadelphia Consumers Need To Know Now About Your Small Business

Aug 12, 2020 8:05:50 AM / by Larry Julius

There is good news for Delaware Valley retailers and restaurants.

As a result of the pandemic, one-third of consumers indicate they will pay a premium for local brands and products, according to a recent study by Ernst & Young

However, before consumers will buy from a local business in King of Prussia, Cherry Hill, Jenkintown, or any town in-between, they must know they can do so without risking their health.

Advertising is the only practical way to let Philadelphia area shoppers and diners know about the precautions and practices your small business has taken to reduce potential health threats.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Effective Radio Commercials, retail, best time to advertise, small business owner, small business, Retail Sales, retailer, covid 19, coronavirus, corona, retail stores, recovery, small business marketing

Advertise In Philadelphia: Radio Listening Little Change vs. Last Year

Aug 10, 2020 7:01:00 AM / by Larry Julius

During July, 3.4 million adult listeners spent 2 hours per day listening to their favorite Philadelphia radio stations, according to Nielsen. Despite an avalanche of pandemic induced disruptions, the daily time spent with radio is down by only by one-quarter-hour from a year ago.

Some advertising experts had predicted that as consumers spent more time at home because of COVID-19 concerns, the hours devoted to radio listening would dramatically decrease. That, however, was not the case.

In July of 2019, according to Nielsen, 30.7% of radio listening in the Delaware Valley occurred at home. During July of this year, in-home listening jumped to 41.5%. Despite the reduction in out-of-home activities, though, consumers still spent nearly the same amount of time listening to Philadelphia radio.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Philadelphia Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Pandora, Spotify, best time to advertise, small business owner, small business, covid 19, coronavirus, corona, small business marketing, sirius/xm, pandemic

Drivers Hit The Road Taking Philadelphia Radio Along For The Ride

Jul 21, 2020 10:32:54 AM / by Larry Julius

Car radios came to Philadelphia in June of 1930. For just $120, about $1200 in present dollars, local drivers could install these early mobile devices into their Fords, Studebakers, Packards, and DeSotos, 

The first car radios were built by the Galvin Manufacturing Company of Chicago. They named their invention, and eventually their company, Motorola.

Today, more than 3.5 million car radios fill ears of Delaware Valley drivers with music, news, sports, and information. As a result, local radio reaches more consumers than all other media.

In a typical pre-COVID-19 week, according to Nielsen, 90% of adult consumers would tune-in to a Philadelphia radio station. This is significantly more than were reached by local TV, cable, social media, newspaper, or streaming media sites Pandora and Spotify.

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Topics Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, best time to advertise, small business owner, small business, in-car audio, vehicle traffic, small business marketing

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