
Consumers Stick With Philadelphia Radio Despite Pandemic

Mar 30, 2021 2:11:30 PM / by Larry Julius

In 1922, when WGL-AM became the first radio station in Philadelphia, many considered the medium a fad.  Even in 1937, a hit song written by George Gershwin, Our Love Is Here To Stay, proclaimed radio to be a "passing fancy and in time may go".

Philadelphia radio, however, has survived the advent of talking-movies, television, eight tracks, and cassettes in stereo.  More recently, radio has withstood a tsunami of digital options including, YouTube, SiriusXM, Pandora, and Spotify.

As the Coronavirus pandemic rolls over into a second year, Philadelphia radio has hung tough and not ceded its ground despite listener's shifting lifestyles.  This is crucial news for small business owners who depend on local stations to market their goods and services.

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Advertising on Philly Radio At Night Proves To Be Smart Investment

Oct 1, 2019 9:32:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Is advertising on the radio just a day job for Delaware Valley small business owners?  

Thousands of local companies depend on radio advertising to market their goods and services. But, many of these business owners choose to buy commercials only between 6:00 am and 7:00 pm.  Is this a good idea? Maybe not.  Here are the facts.

Last week, for instance, 3,830,493 adult consumers tuned-in to their favorite Philadelphia radio stations. This is significantly higher than the number that tuned-in to a local TV station, read a local newspaper, logged-on to social media sites like Facebook, or streamed audio from Pandora and Spotify.

But radio listeners do not roll-up their ears just because the sunsets. According to Nielsen, 61% of Delaware Valley consumers who listen to the radio during daylight hours, also tune in at night.

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Delaware Valley Retail: How Business Owners Scare-Up Halloween Sales

Sep 25, 2019 3:14:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Based on information from the National Retail Foundation, Delaware Valley consumers will be spending $138 million on Halloween this year. 

Typically, 80% of all Halloween shopping, according to the NRF, will occur between now and October 16.  The remaining dollars will be spent in the last 14 days leading up to the holiday.

Nearly 53% of consumers in the Philadelphia area are expected to participate in Halloween this year, each spending, on average, about $86.  This money will go towards the purchase of candy, decorations, costumes, pumpkins, and greeting cards.

Almost every type of local small business enjoys a taste of this spending. This includes hardware stores, convenience stores, craft stores, fabric stores, thrift stores, florists, card stores, consignment shops, haunted houses, home decor store, bakeries, and, of course, candy stores.

To claim a significant share of this Halloween cash will require local small business owners to advertise.  The key to successful advertising is reaching as many Halloween shoppers as possible over the next four weeks.

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Topics Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Advertise On Philadelphia Radio Stations, Advertise In Philadelphia, advertise in delaware valley, retail, store traffic, halloween

Marketing To Mothers In The Delaware Valley

Sep 12, 2019 7:34:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising on Philadelphia radio stations is the best way for small business owners to reach the lucrative, local mother market in the Delaware Valley. Here's why.

Local consumers will spend $93 billion over the next 12 months. Forbes magazine reports that it is moms who control 85% of all household purchases. Locally,  there are more than 583,416 mothers with children under the age of 17 at home.

Delaware Valley small business owners need to pay special attention to these mothers and their wallets. For example, compared to the general population, over the next 12 months, local moms live in households that are

  • 32% more likely to get married
  • 36% more likely to buy a major appliance
  • 39% more likely to purchase carpet/flooring
  • 45% more likely to buy a new mattress
  • 52% more likely to buy a new vehicle
  • 56% more likely to move
  • 95% more likely to buy new furniture
  • 97% more likely to buy a smartphone
  • 101% more likely to refinance a mortgage
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Political Advertising: How To Reach Likely Delaware Valley Voters

Sep 9, 2019 7:03:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Every vote counts.  Many times the difference between winning an election and losing is a handful of ballots. This is true in races for almost every elected office, referendum, and issue on the national, statewide, and local level.

To win a modern election requires advertising. Successful advertising requires reach. In the Delaware Valley, the most potent way to reach voters is on local radio.

Last week, for instance, 91.7% of all registered voters in the counties of Bucks, PA; Chester, PA; Delaware, PA; Montgomery, PA; Philadelphia, PA; Burlington, NJ; Camden, NJ;  and Gloucester, NJ. tuned-in to a Philadelphia radio station.  This is significantly more than were reached by local TV, local newspaper, or the major social media site like Facebook and Instagram.

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