For many generations of marketers, advertising on Philadelphia television was considered the "gold standard". For a Delaware Valley small business owner who craved massive reach, TV used to be the medium that could deliver.
Over the past few years, however, viewers have been abandoning local TV stations in vast numbers. This has propelled Philadelphia radio into being the most potent reach medium among local consumers.
Every week, 3,830,493 adult consumers tune-in to their favorite Philadelphia radio stations. This is significantly more than the 3,585,160 reached by local television.
During the 1980 television season, "Dallas" was the top-rated program, with 34.5% of the population tuning-in. The 30th ranked program, that same year, was "The Waltons" with 18.6% of the population watching.
Flash forward to the 2018 season. The top-rated TV program was "The Big Bang Theory", with 11.1% of the population tuning-in. That means the #1 show in 2018 had 40% lower ratings than the #30 show from 1980.
Radio advertising can help Delaware Valley small business owners who have been depending on television to reach their target audiences.
For instance, local businesses that buy advertising on Philadelphia television stations place a majority of their commercials during local news programming.
As the chart below demonstrates, 80-92% of adult consumers do not watch TV when the news is on. Radio, on the other hand, reaches close to 80% of all those non-TV viewers.
So, for those advertisers who might still want to include TV as part of their marketing mix, they should consider using radio advertising to help fill the audience void left by television.
Deloitte, the world's largest business consulting firm, agrees that local radio "should be a big part of the mix for those buying advertising."
"Radio has commonly been underestimated. Radio is the voice whispering in our ear, in the background of dinner, in an office, or while driving the car. It is not pushy or prominent … but it is there."
"Radio’s weekly reach," says Deloitte, "has been remarkably stable in the United States. Its reach has hovered around 94% for the last few years. That number is essentially unchanged from the 94.9% figure in spring 2001 when Apple introduced the iPod)."
Furthermore, Deloitte says that, of those who report listening to live radio in the United States, over 70 percent say they listen either every day or on most days. "Radio listeners are tuning in as part of their daily lives."