
Does The Facebook Name Change Affect Philadelphia Advertisers?

Oct 29, 2021 3:06:34 PM / by Larry Julius

Every month, 5.1 million adults in the Delaware Valley use social media, according to Nielsen. Seventy-five percent of these consumers use Facebook, far more than other sites like Instagram (also owned by Facebook), Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

As a stand-alone medium, Facebook is used by more people in Philadelphia than watch local TV stations. Only Philadelphia radio and local cable reach more consumers.

The large audience commanded by social media has attracted a significant amount of advertising dollars from local advertisers. According to Borrell Associates, a company that measures advertising expenditures across the county, Philadelphia area businesses are expected to spend $471 million on social media advertising, a 27.4% increase over 2022. The overwhelming majority of these dollars are being spent with Facebook.

Yesterday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the company was changing its name to "Meta".  This change, though, only affects the name of the parent company. There will be no change to the company's brands like Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp.

How will this name change affect Philadelphia businesses that advertise on Facebook?

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Topics advertising on Philadelphia radio, social media advertising, facebook advertising, philadelphia radio, instagram, facebook, twitter, borrell associates, social media, advertise on Philadelphia Radio, LinkedIn, metaverse, meta

Help Wanted: The Best Way To Recruit Qualified Workers In Philadelphia

May 6, 2021 1:52:12 PM / by Larry Julius

The number of job openings in the Philadelphia area has exceeded pre-pandemic levels, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Businesses of all sizes are adding employees in a big way, according to the ADP Research Institute, but still, large numbers of positions remain unfilled.

With the Pennsylvania unemployment rate still at 7.3%, Philadelphia business owners wonder why they are having difficulty attracting applicants for open positions.

According to a recent article posted in The Economist, there are two major reasons why many sidelined workers aren't anxious to come to work. The first is fear.

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Topics Recruitment Advertising, Blue-Collar Workers, Find Qualified Job Canidates, social media advertising, radio advertising, employment advertising, white collar workers, social media, online job boards, passive job seekers, active job seekers, LinkedIn, indeed,, zip recruiter

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