If you were one of the 3,830,493 adults who tuned-in to a Philadelphia radio station last week, it is likely you heard a commercial for Indeed. That's because, last week, Indeed, the world's largest online job site was also one of radio's biggest advertisers.
There is a good reason Indeed invested so heavily in radio advertising. The site has far more job openings posted than there are job-hunters to fill them.
This is not unlike the predicament of Delaware Valley small business owners who are also having difficulty finding and hiring qualified candidates. These employee-strapped businesses can learn something from Indeed.
What Indeed has figured out is that there are not enough unemployed people or disgruntled white-collar workers searching for jobs. So, the company is looking to attract what human resource experts call the 'passive job seekers'.
It turns out that advertising on Philadelphia radio is the best way for any business owner to recruit, hire, and retain passive, white-collar job seekers.
According to the Society For Human Resource Management passive job seekers are "individuals who are currently employed and not actively looking for a new job, but who may be open to a good career opportunity if one came along."
The SHRM website goes on to explain that "many employers target passive job seekers because they are looking for candidates who have positive employment records and who are satisfied with and successful in their work. Employers often target passive job seekers because of the lack of qualified job candidates to fill critical roles. Locating, wooing, and successfully luring passive job seekers are critical for organizations to remain competitive in a tight labor market."
The chart below clearly demonstrates that Delaware Valley, white-collar workers are four times more likely to tune-in to listen to a Philadelphia radio station next week than visit any online job board like Indeed during an entire month.

To attract passive, white-collar workers, employers will need to find more effective ways to recruit and hire qualified candidates. This week, 1,481,640 of those candidates are listening to Philadelphia radio.
Need to hire blue-collar workers for your business? Philadelphia radio is the best recruitment option as well. Click here to read more.